Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12, 2008

Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing weeds, I can appreciate persistence.

Every day something will happen, be it a big something or a small something, what ever it is, it can and if you let it, stop you from doing the steps that you need to be doing. It is just too easy to say in a minute, give me till this show is over, or I just don’t want to right now. And before you know it, next week is here and you didn’t do anything.

If anyone in this world understands putting off what you can do today, till tomorrow, it is me, the sad truth of the matter is I found tomorrow never gets here. If I have any regrets in this life it is I put off what I should have been doing years ago. But take heart it is never to late to be that person you need to be, sometimes it just takes getting older, and realizing that you are running out of tomorrows.

I hope you are one of the lucky ones that never put off anything. Just never forget, don’t take time away from those that you love and those that love you, because that is the greatest gain you can find in this life.

Never give up, Never surrender

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