Tuesday, February 5, 2008

February 5,2008

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."

I have given up wishing. I have discovered the proper word to use, it is NEED, I will no longer wish for something, or even I want something, I have discovered in myself an over powering desire, that is what I need.

I can make needs come true, unlike wishes or wants. Perhaps the problem is to many of us wish for something to happen, and it never does. How many people do you know that wish or want something, and how many are triumphant?

I have been talking to my friends and acquaintances and paid attention to what they were saying, and I noticed most of them want this or wish that, and they are just like the rest of the average people, they live pay check to pay check. So check your self talk and check it often, and over come this dreadful habit, and place yourself on the path to success.

Today I accomplished something really important to me, the feelings I had after I was successful, was the most wonderful feeling in the world, a feeling of empowerment, of winning the lottery. Nothing in the world is as great as accomplishment.