Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11 2008

I give you my hand! I give you my love more precious than money,I give you myself;Will you give me yourself, will you come travel with me?

This journey you have embarked on is going to be long and fraught with disasters waiting to happen. If you have someone in your life, I hope it is someone that supports you in your endeavors, and the support is a multi-faceted thing.

As we go through life we make choices, and one of the most major choices we make, is who is going to be our life partner. If you’re lucky, you picked well, but if you aren’t you have a person in your life that will never be the one that helps you bring that great idea to realization. The most ideal person is one that is as creative as you are, but barring that having someone that tries to understand, what you are doing and is totally for you, will make for a good partner.

If you haven’t found that person that makes your heart beat faster yet, I urge caution, pick well. You must be able to judge without emotion, find the one that is there for you and only you, is willing to go through hell, and still be there, because I promise you, that hell or a reasonable facsimile is awaiting you. Murphy Law will always be around the corner, no matter how well planned or executed, Murphy will raise it ugly head. So make sure the one in your life is the one that you need.

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