Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 31, 2008

If you learn no other aconym let it be this one SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research). This is a government program administered by the universities around the country, and it can be very helpful to the person needing to get their project off the ground.

This is an early stage R&D funding program the amounts vary from agency to agency, and one thing that is very important about them, as the inventor you retain all intellectual property rights to your invention. This isn’t for everyone, first and foremost it isn’t fast, figure two years at the minimum, and you will be expected to jump through lots of hoops and have lots of paperwork, there is only one way to do it and that is their way. If you served in the military then you will understand what I am talking about, the right way, the wrong way, and their way. And they always win, so be prepared for a lot of aggravation. But it can be very rewarding; you’re talking with like minded people that understand what you are doing better than most of the people you deal with in real life.

This program is well worth your time to research do it on the internet or by visiting or calling your local university. Google returns 903,000 returns on the letters SBIR, so information is plentiful.

Good Luck and Good Hunting GLGH

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