Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 30,2008

Government programs, they are wonderful things, but they do have drawbacks, one they are not the quick way to achieve your goals, they will throw money at your project, but only if you jump threw the hoops they put before you.

One of the main things I have found they want you or one of your team to have the expertise, for what ever your project is. One way to get that expertise is to have someone with that PhD or Masters, they don’t have to be actively involved but they do have to be on the list, of persons that are involved.

That is where the universities come in to play, I have had some very important people offer to be placed on my company list, and the really nice thing is they will do it for free or nearly free. But one must realize that you get what you pay for, they will not do your project for you the most you will get is some advice.

If you become immersed in the university program you will be able to draw on more help, it all boils down to how much your willing to invest in the process, you get as much as you give.

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