Thursday, March 6, 2008

We can only win by

We can only win by giving everything and being ready to defeat the adversary with fiery aggression.

The bottom line, that wonderful thing that all companies and people look at, some time in your life you will encounter it. No matter how good an idea or request is, or even how the person you are talking to feels about it, they have a responsibility to make sure they give nothing that isn’t going to give a return, to their or the companies bottom line.

You will be told no more times in your life than you will ever be told yes. One interesting fact, there are 946 billionaires in this world, two-thirds of them started with nothing, and 50 of them were high school or collage dropouts.

If you can reach down into yourself and find the drive that comes from your burning desire to win, and the persistence to keep at it, no matter what obstacles life throws at you, winning is within your reach. I can promise one thing you will hear more no’s than you ever thought existed, but one yes makes up for a lot of them.

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