Monday, February 18, 2008

"True friends stab you in the front."

"True friends stab you in the front."

Friends what would we do without them, and some times we wonder what we will do with them. I have stated before, the worse person to discuss your idea with will be friends and family. They don’t understand what you are doing and will never have your passion for your project, and the passion is your driving force,

But the one thing I can say about them is, they will be there when times get hard and I promise times will get hard, and sometimes it is good to have someone to lean on and know that they will be there for you, no matter what.

They will want you to succeed, but they can’t understand that it takes time; no great idea has been accomplished over night. But the true friend will stand by you till it is done, they may complain and complain some more, but if you have chosen well, they will still give as much as they can. Just remember what they have given you is no less than you owe them, when that final goal is reached.

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