Sunday, February 24, 2008

the present comes as no surprise

"For a person who lives 100 years in the future, the present comes as no surprise."

Have you ever notice, when the new gadget comes on the market, your first thought is good idea. Your not surprised, if anything, jealousy might be the emotion that you feel, not a bad kind of jealousy but the, aw shit I wish I would have thought of that, kind of envy.

When those great new items surface, the one that awes the public, we as inventors are not surprised, maybe because, we think in tomorrow.

When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, I will bet that there were a few people around that just were not surprised. Those of us that realize, that by nature, mankind is an inventive soul; we find solutions, no matter what the problem.

If your one of those that is surprised by all that happens around you then start using your imagination, you will find that you can have new ideas that are your very own. This will set you one a path to fulfillment.

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