Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 6, 2008

"History will never accept difficulties as an excuse."

It was a good day, I made a commitment, and it was a monetary expenditure, that at the present time I will be a challenged to meet. But I have found if you give someone something for free they really never appreciate it.

I have learned that a gift that is expected is never valued as one that you spent your hard earned money on. It like Christmas morning the kids have opened all their gifts, and then go “Is that all.” If you have to dig deep to get something, it will increase in value in proportion to the amount of sweat you had to put into it.

No matter what path you take in life, you will feel like a winner if you had to work to get all you have. If you don’t believe me just check out all the Hollywood kids, that had money handed to them when they have done nothing to earn one dime of it.

Most of us had chores when we were growing up, I think it made me a better person, I had responsibilities, if I wanted money I got a paper route, or worked in farming. It made me a better person, I hated it at the time but I had made a commitment and we must do what we committed ourselves to. I think it all boils down to being true to oneself.

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