Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 28, 2008

Had a great meeting with the engineer this morning, he was a really nice guy. I ask him to sign a non-disclosure form, and he did with no qualms.

Non-disclosure form, if you get nothing else, get a lawyer to make up a non-disclosure form. You can make one up off the information on the internet, but I would advise against it since the different states have subtle nuances in their laws, it is worth the money for one, I don’t have any idea what they cost elsewhere but here it cost me $160.00, money well spent.

They are really simple documents mine is only two pages long. It would be a terrible thing if the love of your life the thing you have spent your soul on, and want to see become a reality, stolen by someone with no scruples and the capital to take it and develop it. Without the non-disclosure your legal battle would be long and expensive, with no guarantee of winning, don’t misunderstand me it would be long and expensive even with the non-disclosure form. But you would have a legal document to stand with you in your fight.

Perhaps it is my lack of belief in the goodness of man, but I want to cover all my bases.

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