Thursday, January 24, 2008

Myspace, Google, Ebay some one invented these and made a fortune

So you want to be an inventor, well welcome to the club, if you ever got the OH MY GOD moment, or the wake up at 3 am, or worse yet you can’t sleep and you know you have a busy day tomorrow. Well you might be an inventor.
That epiphany when you realize that there is a better way, and only you know what it is.

Well this blog is one way for me to vent my own frustrations, and hopefully pass along a few ideas that might help ride the wild horse you are about to ride, the only problem is you got to hang on for more than 8 seconds

One thing I would suggest is start by reading all you can find on how to change your own mindset, there are so many books out there. You will get garbage and more garbage, but if you walk away with just one thing, it will be worth it.

Here’s a questions, does your idea fill a need or does it require you create a need, for that wonderful thing that nobody knows they need …….yet.

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